Consumer Awareness of a Plant-Based Diet:
Health and Environmental Benefits

Consumer Awareness of a Plant-Based Diet: Health and Environmental Benefits


In recent years, there has been a growing consumer awareness regarding the importance of plant-based diets to safeguard individual health and protect the planet. Plant-based diets eliminate or reduce meat consumption in favor of more vegetable and fruit-based foods that contain essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

We don’t aim to convince anyone to change their beliefs or make significant sacrifices. Simply reducing meat consumption to levels similar to what our grandparents had 75 years ago, and following a balanced diet focused on plant-based products, will significantly benefit both your health and the environment.

This article will give you a quick overview about the health benefits associated with switching to a plant-based dominated diet. 


A Plant-Based Diet


In recent years, there has been a growing consumer awareness regarding the importance of plant-based diets to safeguard individual health and protect the planet. Plant-based diets eliminate or reduce meat consumption in favor of more vegetable and fruit-based foods that contain essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The health benefits associated with switching to a plant-based diet are numerous, and research continues to demonstrate that better health is achievable when more plants are consumed. Furthermore, reduced global meat production also comes with environmental benefits due to the considerably lower ecological footprint of fruit and vegetable production methods compared with those employed by livestock farms.


The health benefits of a plant-based diet are numerous. When it comes to addressing the global health and environmental concerns of today, one of the most impactful areas of focus lies in consumer awareness of a more plant-based diet and meat reduced nutrition.


However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to eating healthily while considering environmental concerns. Nevertheless, nutritionists have identified some common principles applicable for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Firstly, it’s important to focus on whole grains such as brown rice or oats as well as legumes like beans and lentils which provide high amounts of complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly over time providing sustainable energy sources throughout the day. Secondly, reducing the amount of processed foods such as snacks and ready meals that often contain high levels of sugar is recommended in order to avoid obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer etc. Thirdly, one should not forget about incorporating vegetables into their diet. Vegetables provide essential vitamins A, C & K as well as minerals such potassium and magnesium that are essential for proper functioning of organ systems including digestion and blood circulation.


On top of these nutritional advantages there are additional positive effects on the environment when more people reduce their intake of animal products by replacing them with more plant-based alternatives such as tempeh, nuts or tofu for instance; this has been proven to drastically reduce greenhouse gases emissions from livestock farms thus having beneficial effects on air quality globally. According to a study published in 2009 by Tavoni et al., approximately 30 percent could be saved in direct emissions if everyone followed a vegetarian lifestyle across Europe alone whereas an increase of 1 percent per capita would lead to an 8 percent drop in total emissions from food production activities within 10 years due to much lower levels being produced by plants than animals respectively. Additionally adopting a plant based diet can help preserve water supplies; according to another study published in 2013 by Mekonnen & Hoekstra estimated that around 700 m³ per year per person could be saved if everyone switched from meat based diets towards a vegetarian alternative which corresponds roughly with 4 times the amount used for showering all year long added up!


Cutting back on animal proteins reduces unhealthy saturated fats, while increasing intake of plant-based sources increases healthy fats like monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals — all essential for optimal functioning. Eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables also means increased consumption of antioxidants that can protect us from cancer and other diseases. Additionally, research shows that going vegan can reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 78%.

US farmers produce an incredible amount of grain — enough to feed 1 billion people — yet this precious resource is mostly used to fatten up livestock animals instead; this means less food on the plate for human consumption. Animal agriculture also produces significantly more greenhouse gases than any other human activity; it’s estimated that if everyone switched to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we could reduce CO2 emissions by 40%! Other benefits include saving water resources (approximately 1/3 less water needed to be compared to producing beef) as well as reducing soil erosion loss due to crop production associated with intensive animal farming.


To ensure that consumers are able to reap all these wonderful benefits associated with a plant-based diet, it’s important for them to be educated about what this lifestyle entails. This includes learning about different types and varieties of produce available such as grains, legumes, nuts and seeds as well as understanding why it’s important to supplement vitamins B12 and D when removing animal products from the diet. Educating ourselves not only helps us make healthier choices, but also allows us to take action against climate change by making small changes in our everyday lives, like switching from beef burgers to veggie burgers once every week or two!


Ultimately, following a balanced diet rich in fruits & vegetables while limiting processed foods & animal products has multiple benefits at individual level but also contributes positively towards global sustainability goals on air quality improvements & water conservation issues, so it’s definitely worth trying out!


Please visit CHIVI – THRIVING ON PLANTS and discover our plant-based products.